Saturday, November 8, 2014

3) The Use of Hair Perming

Hello everyone!

Today is another post in the Hair Perming Series, yet a different topic... Today we will be talking about the use of hair perming. What is its purpose? What exactly do we use it for? And can it be used for anything other then on hair? I guess we'll find out together; right here, right now...

The main chemical compound in the hair perming process is the perming salt, chemically-known as ammonium thioglycolate. This compound, along with thioglycolic acid, breaks down disulfide bonds in the cortex of the hair. This cortex gives the hair is naturally texture, and when it is reformed, the texture becomes altered, hence the permanent curling or waving. This compound is used most often in hair perming, considering that it is also known as perm salts. It can also be found in the main materials for the synthesis of PVC stabilizers, down-hole acidizing, corrosion inhibition in the oil field industry, manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and dyes, hair care products (waxing, hair removal and hair straightening), shrink-resistant treatment of wool, fabric dying and leather processing.


Now, if we consider hair perming only, we can ask ourselves; what are the advantages of perming hair? What are the disadvantages of perming hair?


1) Your hair will look better, for the lack of a better word - Getting a perm will make your hair look better in terms of aesthetics. If you have always wanted curly hair, this will be a dream come true and you will have the hair of a Disney Princess.



2) Volume Booster - If you have dull, flat hair, a perm will give you that fluffiness that you have been looking for in your hair. You will not regret the decision to get a perm when you see how much bigger your hair is.

3) Reduced Styling Time - Considering that hair perming permanently curls or waves your hair, you can easily make up a goddess in the morning. Of course, you might need to run your fingers through your hair to tidy it up, but no more waking up at 4 in the morning to curl your hair and perfect your locks.


1) Your hair will not be as healthy as before - Whenever any kind of chemical comes in contact with your hair, it will be damaged. But, because we are going deeper into the hair shaft when we perm the hair, your hair will become even more damaged, dry and frizzy. The perming solutions might also have an effect on the health of your scalp and your hair's natural regrowth if placed from root to tip.


2) Your hair will not be able to transition its styles easily - When you get the perm, your hair will not be as flexible with straightening, or re-curling. Once you get the perm, it's best to get used to your new texture.

3) Your hair will be weaker - When getting a perm, the chemicals will break down the protein bonds and reform to become a different texture. This will cause the hair to get more split ends, higher risk of breakage and less natural moisture.


The next question we can ask is, how can we store the products used in the perming process?
Well, the first thing we need to know is that the shelf life of permanent wave curl boosters are 6 to 12 months, 6 to 12 months for re-arrangers, and 1 year for the neutralizers. The products should be stored at room temperature, away from heat, direct sunlights and extreme cold. It is not recommended that the products be placed in a refrigerator and never in the freezer. The products should be kept away from windows to rule out excessive sunlight exposure. Some signs of expiration of a product include; product separation, foul odour, loss of product viscosity, build up of viscosity and a rancid odour. The products should always be disposed of properly; i.e. with a chemical waste bin.

Is there potential for harm when perming hair? Yes; there is. There is potential danger to the client, like I mentioned above... There is potential danger to the stylist because the chemicals can be somewhat corrosive and therefore they can burn the stylist's hand(s) or skin in general.

Is there potential for environmental risk? Well, no chemicals are good for the environment and therefore considering that we are using unnatural chemicals, they will always make an impact on the environment. As for disposal, if the chemicals or products, etc, are disposed of improperly, they will damage the environment, such as poisoning animals or soil and plant life. Always dispose of the chemicals properly. 

Is there potential for health risk? Again, working with chemicals will always harm your body, even if the reaction doesn't occur quickly. The scalp or general cranial area can be damage directly from the chemical that are placed on the hair during the perming procedure. The chemicals can also seep in to the skin, possibly through the skin on the head or they can absorb into the skin from an airborne perspective. 

That's all for today my lovely readers!

Until next time,

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